Oracle Transparent Data Encryption
Transparent Data Encryption
Database Level encrytion of columns of a table.
Normally used to protect confidential data like credit card information Social security number.
The database encrypted can be accessed by only authorized users only i.e users with privilege to access
the table.
To Enable.
SYS-SQL>alter system set encryption key identified by <password>;
Above command creates or recreates "wallet key" i.e master encryption key in $ORACLE_BASE/ADMIN/<ORACLE_SID>/wallet
All this encryption (inserts) and decrytion (select) is done at database level, user need not
do anything.
Once created the wallet is open automatically and is closed on db shutdown, and has to manually
open through following command
SYS-SQL>alter system set encryption wallet open identified by <password>;
sqlnet.ora file points out to the location of the master key through this value ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION
To encrypt the columns of a table
To decrypt the columns of a table
Note : Backup of the wallet key should be taken, because the key using which encryption is done, is required for decryption