Monitoring Processes Mysql

Mysql SQL commands.

mysql>show full processlist\g

Detailed description follows

ID : The connection identifier.

User : The Mysql user who issues the statement

Host : Hostname of the client issued the statement, also it gives the port info.

DB : The default database

Command : Type of command

Time : The time in seconds that the thread has been in current state.

State : Current State,

Info : The statement the thread is executing.


mysql>select current_user();

mysql>show grants; -- For current user;

mysql> show grants for <username> -- For specific user

mysql>show tables - Give us list of tables.

mysql>describe <table_name> -- Data types associated with tables

mysql>show engines - List the engines and their details

mysql>show status - List All the system variable for the instance

mysql>kill <thread id> - To kill particular thread.