Data Moving

Many a times it is required to migrate data, mostly for uat refresh

where data from production machine is copied to developers machines

for testing purposes. It could be from one from one table to another, from one

schema to other schema or from one database to another etc.

These are the common utilities for moving data

1) Export/ Import

2) Tranportable tablespace

3) Datapump (10g)

4) Sql Loader

1) Export Utility :

exp is the utility used for export and is located at ORACLE_HOME\bin directory.

For getting information about the utility and all its arguments type in exp help=y,this show output as

shown below.

2) Import Utility

Similar to exp, used for putting data into database. Type imp help=y to get the list of all parameters

Detailed Explation of Each Parameter.

To prevent any error in data while importing the above exported data, there is sequence

followed while exporting the data. Objects in database are exported in following order

1. Type definitions

2. Table definitions

3. Table data

4. Table indexes

5. Integrity constraints, views, procedures, and triggers

6. Bitmap, function-based, and domain indexes

Lets start exporting...

To Export the Whole database.

exp file=<file_name.dmp> log=<log_name.log> full=y statistics=none feedback=<value> direct=y

To Export Particular Schema of a database.

exp file=<file_name.dmp> log=<log_name.log> owner=<schema_name> statistics=none feedback=<value> direct=y

To Export Particular Table of a database.

exp file=<file_name.dmp> log=<log_name.log> tables=(‘table1’,’table2’,…) statistics=none feedback=<value> direct=y

To Export Using where clause, for varchar character in datatype

exp file=exp.dmp log=exp.log tables=('OWNER.TABLE1') query=\"where COLUMEN=\'<VALUE>\'\" statistics=none feedback=100


query=\"where Column=\'<value>\' \and\ Column2=\'<value>\'\" statistics=none feedback=100


To Import the Whole database.

Make sure the tablespace structure exists with the required datafiles and sizes

then fire the import command

imp file=<file_name>.dmp log=<log_name>.log full=y feedback=<value> buffer=52428800 commit=y ignore=y

To Import Particular Schema of a database.

imp file=<file_name.dmp> log=<log_name.log> fromuser=<schema_name> touser=<schema_name> feedback=<value> buffer=52428800 commit=y ignore=y

To Import Particular Table of a database.

imp file=<file_name.dmp> log=<log_name.log> fromuser=<schema_name> touser=<schema_name> tables=(‘table1’,’table2’,…) feedback=<value> commit=y ignore=y

To Check the Speed of Import


substr(sql_text,instr(sql_text,'INTO "'),30) table_name,



to_date(first_load_time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'))*24*60,1) minutes,


((sysdate-to_date(first_load_time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'))*24*60)) rows_per_minute




sql_text like 'INSERT %INTO "%'


command_type = 2


open_versions > 0;


While importing a table with foreign key constraint.

Disable the foreign key constraint.


Whilst the import is done with default option and ignore=y, it would throw error relating to

the constraint.

After import you could enable the constraint without checking for the existing rows as follows


Detailed Explanation of Each Parameter